Friday, 25 May 2012

Roundup 25/05/12: We're everywhere!

Hello! Is it really that time of week again? (erm, no, actually, We're a day late). We've been quite the hive of activity here at ReRetail, but then the sun came out. So we've been spending the last few days eating ice lollies and trying to remember where we left our sunglasses last summer (the glove box, right? It has to be, i've checked everywhere else).

But! Before the sun came out and we actually got some work done!

Is an advert on your own
blog really an advert?
If you've been down to the internets recently, you might of seen our grand overlord (or Boxey) about the place. Yes, it's true. We've gone corporate, we'll be wearing keyboard ties and talking into shoe-box sized mobile phones soon enough (we have, apparently, only ever watched a Betamax about corporate culture).

We have also, along with the FaceBook and Google ad's, started advertising using Project Wonderful, so if you browse any sites that use their advertising system, you might just see our ad's popping up all over the place.

Exciting times indeed. Anyway, enough about us. Just enough time for a stock update before we can all go back outside into the sun.

The Indra Leather Journals we've mentioned a few times really are flying off of the shelves, so much that we've placed our fourth order to our supplier in the (around) two months we've been stocking them. So rest assured, anything that's out of stock/low stock should be back in shortly!

I think that's everything for this week, see you next time! Until then, thanks for reading and please remember that we're still giving away Reusable shopping bags (until the end of May).

As always you can find our shop Here, also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Thursday Roundup 17-05-12: Olympic Special!

Poor blog, you've been quite neglected recently, haven't you? But fear not! We have a Very Special Roundup this week. 

And this is the reason why! We here at ReRetail, sadly, didn't make Team GB this year (and unless the Olympic Committee accept our petition to make Competitive Tea Making a recognised event, it's unlikely we ever will) so we're doing our bit to help keep Olympic Fever high.

So, from the time the Olypmic Flame arrives in England (Tomorrow - 19th May) until the close of the Paralympic games (9th September) you can get 20.12% off of all the items in our store by using the code LONDON2012. So, if you've wanted to stock up on enough MakeDo to keep the kids busy all summer, or just want to kit out a fantastic garden party using our range of Doy Bag items, now's the chance to make a massive saving!

Phew, that was quite a post. Sorry again for the gaps between posts, we should be getting our posting back on track very shortly. We will be taking a closer look at some of the stuff we've got that could make your Olympics a bit more Eco-Friendly.

Until then, thanks for reading and please remember that we're still giving away Reusable shopping bags (until the end of May), we'll see you next week!

As always you can find our shop Here, also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Thursday Roundup 10-5-12: Sorry for the delay.

These owls didn't think there was any delay,
but owls don't own calendars.

Hello! It's been a while, hasn't it? It's been a hectic week (...or so) here at ReRetail, but enough about us, let's get into the Roundup!

Week Recap:
Ok, so I said enough about us, but how about just a little more about us; As you've probably guessed (from our radio-silence) it's been a bit all-hands-on-deck here at ReRetail but we've managed to get all our orders out on time! So congratulations to us, hopefully we should be back to our regularly scheduled programming soon!

Product News:
During our absence a couple of our discount codes ran out. so we big farewell to BUILDABOXEY and FRIDAYFUN, which are no longer active codes.

But, on the bright side, our Blog code and Facebook Advert code are still alive and kicking! and, better still, all orders placed through our webstore will receive a free re-usable animal shopping bag! (But you'll have to be quick, stocks are running out fast!).

Only a short Roundup this week, it's still a flurry of work over here. We'll see you next week (when everything should be back to normal, should), when (as a bit of a sneak peek) we might have some cool news about one of our ranges! (That was a bit vague, but it's all we can say at the moment, check back next week!)

As always you can find our shop Here, also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Tuesday Spotlight 01-05-12: Kids Koala Bags

Last week, in the Roundup we mentioned a selection of bags we've received from a group of nuns in Sri Lanka, well, here they are!

The children's bags we have available currently come in two styles 'Koala' and 'Turtle', the bags we've decided to spotlight today are of the Koala Variety, but you should definitely check out the Turtles too!

Now onto the bags! These bags are handmade in Sri Lanka from Pure cotton in support of the "Project of Single Mothers" and the Good Shepherd Convent in Maravila, Sri Lanka. They are ethically and fairly traded.

Because of the handmade nature of these bags, no two designs are ever the same. These really are great bags for kids and we're happy we managed to track them down! You can find the Koala bags here.

Well, that's all for the Spotlight for this week, we hope to see you soon! 
Because May is, traditionally, our busiest month we might deviate from our blog schedule as the Blog Team (i.e. Me) will be getting (temporarily) reassigned to packing and processing orders. 
Regular service will resume at the beginning of June! Until then we'll try to update as much as possible! See you Thursday for the Roundup! 

Sadly, our BUILDABOXEY code has ran out! So sorry if you missed it, hopefully it (or something like it) will be back soon! If you want free shipping, you'll have to be quick as the code FRIDAYFUN run out on the 4th of May.

As always, for 12.5% off of all our items, use the blog code to the left, we also have a discount code currently active on our FaceBook adverts, so get hunting!

As always you can find our shop Here, also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.